As we prepare to move to our new home, it is very evident the importance of DAILY Family Worship. We have, as a family, relied heavily on our Church for worship. Now as we prepare to be so far from the people and places so familiar to us I am realizing the void that will be there in our lives.
So I am working on a plan to ensure that we Praise, Worship, and Learn about our Father everyday- not just in an organized service or group.
How beautiful would it be if the children started every morning singing and dancing to the Lord?

Aside from praying over meals, what would it look like if the little ones gathered during the day to pray for others? It is my desire that every day is dedicated to the Lord and spent in part worshiping Him in ways we have not done in our lives to date. Mostly because we have relied on "church" for that set apart time to worship.
Oh we read our Bible at home, I have a daily devotion time, the kids say prayers, we listen to contemporary christian music every day and a few times a week the kids and I will talk about a Bible story/event. I just really want more as we move away from the worship that we are use to.
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