Found a great site that had some interesting things to say about the history of laundry... around our house we are experiencing an issue with fossil fuel and so laundry is being done by hand. My husband referred to it as a Chinese laundry but it wasn't quite that production.
It was the old 2 bucket laundry system of a long gone era... heat a large bucket of water on the wood stove, add some soap and dirty clothes, bring to a boil, stir and stir the clothes. Then plop them into the second bucket of nice clear water and rinse. Once they have been rinsed, ring 'em out and hang them on a line strung across the room near the wood stove.

It isn't like tossing them a machine and letting it do all the work, but it keeps us in clean clothes. Of course they were hung in the house because we have been experiencing temps below zero fahrenheit at night and under 20 during the day. As weather warms up we will hang outdoors on the clothes line out in the sun and wind.
I will be planting a selection of fragrant flowers around the clothes line this spring. That will make laundry day a delightful aroma of beautiful things... better than any "fragrant" laundry soap or fabric softner.
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